Mary Jo was born and raised right here in Austin TX where she attended McNeil High School where she cheered for the Mavericks and also completed high school gymnastics. She competed with Capital Gymnastics All Stars since their inception in the mid 90's. Coach Mary Jo married her high school sweetheart a few years after graduation and started a family. They have 3
amazing kids. 2 of which have graduated high school and pursuing college and career and one who is attending
Round Rock High. They have a huge family and spend all of their free time together! They all love the Dallas
Cowboys and always have the most fun! Shortly after they began gymnastics, Mary Jo got involved with judging TNT. She became certified as a category 3 judge on all the disciplines of TNT in 2014. In 2017, she began coaching TNT with a focus on trampoline and double mini at Acrotex in Round Rock. Coach Mary Jo joined the amazing Wolfpack family at Tumble Tech as a coach in 2019.
Her family has been coaching youth football and cheer for the last 21 years. in 2014, the Mojica family chartered their
very own 501c3 Pop Warner Association, Northside Youth Sports and have volunteered both their time and talents to
the community. They have grown to have a football and a cheer team on all four levels of play.
She currently serve as the Association Cheer and Dance Coordinator and founding board member for NYSA and
oversees the coaching staffs, parent relations, administration and hands on coaching of the 4 cheer teams.
Coach Mary Jo also serve as the League Cheer and Dance Commissioner for Hill Country Pop Warner and oversees
the Association Cheer and Dance Coordinators for all 16 associations within Hill Country as well as facilitates and
organizes their Competition and Showcase.