Day Camps


Are you and your team interested in creating Amazing memories? At Tumble Tech's two locations, we're offering Summer and Winter Camps through out the year! If you're interested in signing up, contact us at 512-717-5040 or through the link below  and we'll have you registered in no time.
Sign up for camps here
We're looking forward to an amazing time and helping you grow as an individual and an athlete! Be sure to tell your Friends, Family, and Teammates about the week you'd want to attend!!

What is the age range?

We welcome all campers ages 4-12

What will my camper be doing while at camp?

Campers are divided into age groups and they spend the day rotating through our facility, enjoying such activities as trampoline play, group games, foam pit, parkour, obstacle courses, open gym, and arts & crafts. Our camps are play-based, with no skills taught, but tons of fun to be had! Each group has at least 2 camp staff with them for the duration of the day. 

    How does Early Drop-off and Late Stay work?

    You may drop off your camper beginning at 8:00am for a $10 charge. All campers signed in to their groups before 8:45am will incur a $10 charge on their parent portal account. You do not need to pre-register for either early drop or late stay as any campers still with us beginning at 3:15pm will go into late stay for a charge of $10/hour/child. The second hour charges will be assessed beginning at 4:15pm. These charges will be put on your portal account as well. If utilizing late stay, please send a 3rd snack or money to purchase something from Smoothie Tech. Campers enrolled in late stay will remain in the party room for the remainder of the day. They will have games and crafts available to them, but will also have a kid friendly show playing on the TV if they wish to watch.

    What are the drop off and pick up procedures?

    You may begin dropping off campers at 8:45am. Dropping off a camper prior to 8:45am will result in an Early Drop-off fee of $10 being added to your account.
    Upon arriving, you will find 2 check-in tables - ages 7 and under to the right and ages 8 and up to the left. If you need to order lunch and/or snacks for your campers, you will do so at the Smoothie Tech counter. The coaches working check-in will direct you to the appropriate cubbies and then the campers will have free play until warm-up begins at 9:30am. To pick up your camper at the end of their day, please return to the same check-in used at drop-off.

    Do I need to pack a snack and lunch?

    We will have 2 snack breaks and 1 lunch break every day. Please send your child with 2 snacks, lunch, and water bottle. You may also purchase snacks and lunch at Smoothie Tech each day  We do ask that you fill out the order form in the morning, rather than sending your camper with money. The Smoothie Tech purchases will then be delivered to the campers at the appropriate time, eliminating the need to spend a majority of their time waiting in a line! While the snack options will remain the same every day, lunch options will change daily, with options such as pizza, grilled cheese, hot dogs, etc. 

    Can my campers be together?
    If your campers are coming with siblings/cousins/friends that are not the same age, but they would like to spend the day together, we will do our best to accommodate your group upon request. We will typically move the older campers to the younger camper's group, but may adjust based on group headcounts. 

    Cedar Park Pricing & Times

    Mondays - Fridays 9am - 3pm
    275/week or 75/day 

    Siblings 235/week or 65/day. 
    Late pickup goes until 5pm and is 10 per hour per child

    WACC Pricing & Times

    Mondays - Thursdays 9:00am - 3:00pm
    75 per day

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